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Projetos Europeus / European Projects











GOAL4PDM – 2022-2023 

Jogos online e materais para apoio ao PDM (Player Development Managers), função cuja notoriedade tem vindo a crescer na Europa: pessoas que apoiam atletas na sua Carreira Dual podendo ser Treinadores, estudantes de Educação Física e Desporto, professores de Educação Física e ex-atletas.

Gamified and Online Activities for Learning to Support Player Development Managers - PDM - a role whose notoriety has been growing in Europe: people who support athletes in their Dual Career and can be Coaches, Physical Education and Sports students, Physical Education teachers and former athletes.

Parceiros / Partners: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Coordinator); European University Cyprus (EUC); Asociacion De Jugadoras De Futbol Sala (AJFSF); Deutscher Sportlehrerverband (DSLV); Lietuvos Sporto Universitetas (LSU); Sindicato dos Jogadores Profissionais de Futebol (SJPF); Confederação Portuguesa das Associações de Treinadores (Coaching Portugal); Associazione Polisportiva Dilettanitistica Pielle Basket (APD)

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e-MARC – 2021-2023

Projeto que desenvolve competências de avaliação e controlo para treinadores para otimizar a individualização do treino / Electronic Monitoring and Assessment Resources for Coaching: Digital empowerment of coaches. 

Parceiros / Partners: Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo (Portugal - Coordinator); Confederação Portuguesa das Associações de Treinadores (Portugal); Transilvania University of Brasov (Romania) e Escuela Municipal de Deportes Villanueva del Arzobispo (Spain)

Siga-nos no site oficial e-MARC / Follow us at the official e-MARC website 





Sport as a vehicle for developing skills for the labor market and promoting employability and entrepreneurship

Piloting the approaches and guidelines in pilot areas in the Mediterranean Basin of: Skills development through sport as an effective way to include people (both youth and other ages) socially and economically in a long term perspective.

Partners Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL) (Coordinator), Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Catholic University of Sacred Heart), Coaching Portugal (Confederação Portuguesa das Associações de Treinadores), International Centre for Sport Security (ICSS), Save the dream, HAŠK Mladost (Hrvatski akademski športski klubovi Mladost Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Eng. Croatian academic sport clubs Mladost of the University of Zagreb), The International Olympic Truce Centre (IOTC), Universitat de les Illes Balears, Cyprus Sports Organization, Okkam srl, Italy.

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Coach Force 21

Enhancing the role, responsibility and status of sport coaches in 21st century Europe

Sport coaches make up one of the largest workforces in the EU (circa 9 million). The sport delivery system depends largely on their willingness and ability to deliver effective sport experiences. However, it is felt that the education and employment conditions under which coaches operate are not optimal. Moreover, due to the small number of coach representation agencies, such as coaches’ associations, and their low impact, coaches are not adequately and sufficiently partaking in the European Social Dialogue in the Sport Sector of which they are such an important pillar. As a result, good governance in sport organisations is missing a very important partner. Moreover, coaches’ capacity to influence and shape the labour market they populate is minimal and this has a major impact on their wellbeing, employability, mobility, and on issues of race and gender equality. Building coaches and coaches’ associations capacity and involvement as national and European social partners is thus a priority. 

Project CoachForce aims to rectify this situation by achieving two primary objectives:

  1. Strengthening coach representation at national and European level through the provision of guidance and support for existing and developing Coaches’ Associations in the EU
  2. Bringing the Voice of the Coach to the fore of the Social Dialogue in the sport sector.

It will do so by conducting the following actions:

  1. Developing a baseline picture of the current coaching landscape across the 28 Member States
  2. Mapping the current impact of Coaches’ Associations in the 28 Member States
  3. Developing guidance tools and resources for current and prospective Coaches’ Associations in relation to the convening, governance, relevance and impact of this type of organisations.
  4. Effectively engaging with coaches on the frontline, employers, national and international sporting organisations and national and international policy bodies.

Partners: ICCE and Leeds Becket University (Coordination), Trainerakademie Köln, Czech Olympic Committee, The Hungarian Coaching Association, Warsaw Institute of Sport, Coaching Portugal (Confederação Portuguesa das Associações de Treinadores), Professional Coaches of Finland, Hellenic Federation of Sports Coaches and Trainers.

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Increasing the Professional Level of Coaches in Women's Football

ProCALL is a project initiated and coordinated by National University of Physical Education and Sports Bucharest and is a consortium of 4 countries from different bodies active in the field of sport that want to change the perception of women’s football in Europe: Romania, Italy, UK and Portugal

The ProCALL project’s aim is to promote education in and through sport with special focus on skills development of coaches interested in women’s football. The specific objectives of our project are:

1. To develop the skills and competences of the members of the consortium and about 200 local coaches/sport teachers that will be trained in the methods of coaching in women’s football during the entire period of the project. On the long run, we hope to increase the number of UEFA-qualified female coaches in women’s football in the participant countries.

2. To provide an opportunity for the partner associations that wish to work together to share knowledge and gain first-hand experience of women’s football structures and activities from one another during the 4 transnational meetings.

3. To promote the benefits of practicing this sport by young girls – grassroots women’s football, in the 4 partner countries during the entire period of the project. (through local events).

Partners: National University of Physical Education and Sports Bucharest (Coordinator), Coaching Portugal (Confederação Portuguesa das Associações de Treinadores), Centro Sportivo Educativo Nazionale (C.S.E.N.), Outbound Soceer - Redditch United Girls Football Club (RUGFC), The Association Sport Club Dream Team (Asociatia Clubul Sportiv Dream Team)

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C.S.I. -Coach Sport Integrity

A proactive tool for sport integrity & transparency

O Treinador contemporâneo tem novos desafios éticos quer no desporto de alta competição quer no desporto de formação. A manipulação de eventos desportivos, o doping desportivo e outras irregularidades prejudiciais semelhantes tocam todas as atividades de um Treinador moderno. A visão C.S.I. é abordar uma preocupação contínua da capacidade do Treinador de atuar sobre os valores sociais e éticos positivos do desporto moderno.


  • Coordenador: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki – Greece;
  • Sheffield Hallam University - England
  • National University of Physical Education and Sports – Romania
  • International Council of Coaching Excellence
  • Fair Play Code Hellas (KEA) - Greece
  • Professional Coaches of Finland - Finland
  • Hungarian Coaching Association - Hungry
  • Coaching Portugal - Portugal

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OBJETIVE: “TESS”: Technical English in Sport - O objetivo do projeto foi criar uma ferramenta de aprendizagem multimédia, multilingue e interactiva, com base numa plataforma web, para o ensino técnico do inglês na área do desporto tendo como alvos preferenciais os treinadores, atletas, árbitros e dirigentes.

PARTNERS: Esta ferramenta resultou de dois projetos europeus PARTES e TESS que teve como cordenador o INSEP, Institut National du Sport, de l'Expertise et de la Performance, (França) e como parceiros: Hungarian Sports Confederation (Hungria), National Sports Academy (Bulgária) , German Olympic Sport Coach Academy of Colognee (Alemanha) e  Confederação de Treinadores de Portugal (Portugal). Para implementar o projeto a Confederação trabalhou com os parceiros nacionais: Paulo Barata - em representação da Federação Portuguesa de Ginástica, Ana Paulo - em representação da Federação Portuguesa de Voleibol, Jorge Infante - em representação da FMH .

OBJETIVE: further develop a structure for the co-ordination of sport coaching at the European level to include stakeholders in the following categories from December 2012 to April 2013:

  1. - Coaches’ Associations at the National and European level
  2. - Lead national organisations in Sport Coaching
  3. - International Federations at the European level
  4. - Higher education institutions
  5. - Employers of coaches

PARTNERS: United Kingdom Leeds Metropolitan University, Netherlands National Olympic Committee*Netherlands Sports Federation, Finland Suomen Ammattivalmentajat SAVAL, Coaching Portugal, Germany German Sport University Cologne, Hungary Hungarian Coaching Association, France Institut National du Sport, de l’Expertise et de la Performance, Poland Institute of Sport, Germany Coaches Academy Cologne of the German Olympic Sports Confederation, Spain Consejo Nacional de Entrenadores Deportivos National Council Sport Coaches, Netherlands NLcoach, UK European Athletics Coaches Association, Spain Real Federacion Espanola de Tenis.