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Primeira Reunião UNI Europa Sport

A Confederação de Treinadores esteve representada na primeira Reunião da UNI Europa Sport a 3 de Dezembro 2010 no Comité Social e Económico Europeu em Bruxelas. Junto vos deixamos o convite que nos foi endereçado:

After several years of project work to organise the sport sector into UNI Europa, the Management and Executive Committees of UNI Europa have agreed to formally establish a sector within UNI Europa for sport.

With the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty, the European Commission has gained a competence in sport. This fact has given rise to a large and intense debate about the specificity of sport and how sport should be exempt from or treated differently by EU Law. For UNI Europa sport workers are no less than workers from any other sector and should be treated equally: EU Law, including labour law, should fully apply to them. Special arrangements to deal with the specifics of sport should be made between the social partners.

UNI Europa Sport promotes the professionalisation of the sport sector and decent working conditions for all workers in sport. Exchanging experiences, information and best practices on these and other topics is necessary. Establishing a European Social Dialogue for the sport sector, together with our social partner EASE (European Association of Sport Employers) will be one step in that direction.

The necessary request and supporting documentation has been submitted to the European Commission to this effect last September.

EU Athletes (European Elite Athletes Association) has affiliated to UNI Europa to form UNI Europa Sport-PRO. UNI Europa Sport-PRO will be a section within UNI Europa Sport specifically aimed at professional athletes.